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        A Special Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Ratify vote of second passage for a Bond Order for the Ferry and Order from National Grid for a conduit at 8 Essex Street and start date of work for Crombie Street.  Notice of this meeting was posted on May 12, 2006 at 1:22 P.M.

        Councillor Furey arrived late at 6:10 P.M.
Councillor Sosnowski left early at 6:35 P.M.

Council President Jean Pelletier presided.

Councillor Lovely moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting. It was so voted.



Councillor O’Leary moved that the matter be taken up at the next Regularly scheduled City Council Meeting of May 25th, 2006. It was so voted.  


        Council President Jean Pelletier introduced the following representatives of National Grid, Dave Gendall, Vice President, Douglas Wagner, Key Account Manager and Irving Silverman, Operations Superintendent .

        Councillor O’Leary moved suspension of the rules to allow the representatives of National Grid and City Electrician John Giardi to speak. It was so voted.

Council President Pelletier stated for the record that City Solicitor Elizabeth Rennard could not attend due to illness.

Mr. Gendall of National Grid introduced Doug Wagner, Account Manager and Irv Silverman Operations Superintendent.

Mr. Gendall stated he has been in touch with Mr. Durand to work out a schedule for Crombie Street. Crombie street needs three (3) holes opened for conduits. The pavement was cut but due to weather they have lost time. He stated the work is scheduled to be done as soon as possible. If tomorrow is good weather the work will be expedited and excavation will start. He stated they try hard to stick to a schedule. Overtime has been authorized by the Account Manager. There is a large job down at the rail yard behind the police station for upgrading of poles. There may be temporary double poles. In the future if there are any problems or concerns call Doug Wagner.

Irving Silverman Acting Superintendent for National Grid stated that the Council should feel free to contact him. He stated he is responsible for the physical work getting done.

Councillor Pelletier told Mr. Gendall how this invitation and meeting tonight came about. A constituent was in the Council chamber at the last meeting when the Order for conduit on Essex Street came up she spoke up to her situation on Crombie Street.

Councillor Corchado asked that if work starts tomorrow how long will it take to complete the work.

Mr. Silverman stated a week and a half to two weeks. It takes 3-4 days just to open the trench.

Mr. Gendall stated a couple of things can go on at the same time to expedite the project.

Councillor O’Leary asked for telephone numbers to enable the Council to contact them.

Business cards were handed out by the representatives of National Grid.

Councillor Lovely thanked the National Grid representatives for coming in on short notice to resolve the problem.

Councillor Prevey stated that the two women that attended the last council meeting were so frustrated. Each time they contacted National Grid they were told a different answer. How can someone get correct answers. Even the representative that was at the Council meeting had no answers. Who can they call?

Mr. Gendall stated that Ed Freeman is the Project Manager he knows what’s going on. We could have taken care of it had we put those women in touch with him.

Councillor Sosnowski thanked the representatives of National Grid for coming in tonight and asked if National Grid is responsible for the street lights on the Bridge?

Mr. Gendall responded no it’s Mass. Highway.

John Giardi stated that he has been working with Mass. Highway and the lights are coming very soon. Mass. Electric has good quality people and the project should be complete in 10 to 30 days. We have been meeting with National Grid on how to move jobs along. He passed out a packet for the Councillors on how to use National Grids website and you should get immediate response. We’re making a lot more headway. Working with these people you’ll see a great response.

Councillor O’Leary stated that John Giardi the City Electrician was once a City Councillor in the 1980’s.

Councillor O’Keefe asked why does it take so long to coordinate and change wires. He stated that there have been low wires on a pole at Sumner and Grant Rd for a year.

Mr. Giardi stated that after the power company there are several more companies that need to do their wires.

Councillor O’Keefe stated that the Ordinance for poles states that they have to be straight. Why are there, so many poles leaning at 85 degree angle?

Mr. Giardi stated that the work that is currently being done is to put in new circuits, which will cause less interruptions. Angela Hastings at Verizons will deal with the straight poles.

Councillor O’Keefe stated that if it wasn’t for the Power Company (National Grid) his pump and many others in the city would not have been working to clear the cellars from the flooding. These pumps have been working nonstop. He thanked them for helping keep the electricity on during these storms.

Mr. Gendall stated we tried to keep it going.

Councillor Sosnowski left the chamber at 6:35 P.M.

Councillor Corchado asked about the work going on at the transformer. She stated there was a large crew working today.

Mr. Silverman stated there was a loss of power due to water in a manhole that had to pumped-out near Peabody Street.

Councillor Sargent asked if you could put speed limit signs on their wooden poles. He noticed a lot of metal poles close to the wood poles with speed limit signs. Would like to know if they could eliminate some of these poles.

Mr. Gendall stated there are areas that have the speed limit signs on the wood poles but we try to avoid it.

Councillor Pelletier thanked Mr. Giardi and the representatives from National Grid for coming in.

Councillor O’Leary moved approval of the Order of National Grid for conduit at 8 Essex Street. It was so voted.

On the motion of Councillor O’Keefe the meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.

ATTEST:                                         CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                                        CITY CLERK